Oct 20, 2022
There was a time I would have told you I was afraid of investing in anything. I was afraid of investing in the stock market, real estate, and if I'm being honest...even in myself. As I have come to middle-age and have taken stock of my life, I have realized a few important lessons with respect to investing:
- We have been taught to be consumers, not investors
- Everyone is afraid of doing something new
- Money or the perfect deal will never fully take away your fear
The major difference between consumers and investors is not how much money they spend. It has more to do with what they spend their money on.
As consumers, we buy things that give us immediate pleasure. We are taught to buy goods and services that are advertised to us via television, the web, or any other medium. This could be a nice meal, a new electronic gadget, or something for the home.
As investors, we should invest in things, ideas, and relationships that give us multiple returns at some future time. This can be real estate or stocks and bonds.
Many of us have been programmed from youth to see finance through the lens of a consumer. We are taught to consume, not invest. Once we changed that mindset, we can truly see the value in planting seeds for a greater harvest later on.
Everyone Is Afraid
A quick search of "biggest real estate investing fears." will always bring up some version of these stressors:
- Not enough money
- Being a landlord
- Finding the perfect deal
- Lack of experience
- Getting started
What these articles boil down to is Fear of Failure and the very real consequences that can happen when we fail (especially when talking about large sums of money).
Many that have lived any length of time or had the audacity to try something new, know this truth very well...
Life is not fair.
There are many reasons for this. There have been countless books written on the subject in any number of languages with just as many viewpoints. We can either let those viewpoints keep us from moving forward or we can battle through the fears, whatever they may be, and continue our journey.
Money & the Perfect Deal Don't Take Away Fear
As someone with moderate success in my W2 job, my wife and I have been able to save some money...no different than many of the people reading this now. As I started my journey, I found some good deals that I made bad because I didn't want to overpay.
I had the money...the deal...I still failed...but the point is, I tried. I learned from that mistake and I haven't made it again.
Fears are real and they can keep us from doing many things. Don't let your fears keep you from something that some people font want you to have:
Time with your family
Options for your future
Part of my fear with invesint in real estate was failing. Through the sacrifices made by my family and others, there was a safety net created aroung me. They gave me somehting important. The ability to try. I could either lean into that safety net and invest in generations to come, or leave things the way they were and not think about the outcome.
If you are reading this, you are at least mildly interested in real estate investing. From a First Generation Investor who has had all the fears listed aboce (and many others), I invite you to join us on a journey of education and actions.
I will write one day about the trials my family faced when they arrived to the U.S. However, this article is about you. the First Generation Investor who has not realized the power of where we stand in history. From the comfort of our homes, we can unlock powerful vehicles that were previously only available to the mega-wealthy.
While the internet may have scary things, one of the beautiful things is that you can pretty easily create a sense of community. Our company was born out of the idea that there are a lot of people like me, someone who just needs people to trust. Our goal as First Gen Investors is to Educate, Grow, and Give.
We'll do some writing, podcasting, You-tubing (is that even a word), Instagramming (see you-tubing), and other material catered to the First Gen Investor.
By equipping the First Gen Investor to make more informed decsions, they can grow their hard work back into the thing we crave most...time.
We believe in the power of giving, Whether to your friends, family, charities or complete strangers, your investments should be an avenue for you to do what you deem best with the growth we can help you accomplish.
Our focus is the First Gen Investor.
Let's shake off the fear and start creating some action in our investment journey together. At First Gen Foundations, we look forward to hearing from you and exploring topics that scare, inspire, and even confuse you. We want you to serve you and people like you who might be scared, but in spite of that, move in the fear, and are not frozen by it.
Bryan Escudero
President and Co-Founder, First Gen Foundations
Proud to be a First Gen Investor
Our goal is to give you a community. Together we can take steps into fearful places and turn it into a opportunity to learn and grow.
Demystify the metrics - we want you to be familiar with when analyzing a real estate deal.
Generating wealth is not something that most of us focused on as we began our adult lives. We address just 4 ways that real estate makes you money.
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P.O. BOX 650997 Miami, Florida 33265-0997
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(786) 519-3638
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First Gen Foundations